The 1571 Society
A message from the Principal
“I feel very honoured to be Jesus College’s 31st Principal. One of the first actions I undertook on joining Jesus was to include the College in my will. By leaving this gift, I am helping to secure the College for posterity. It was one of the easiest ways of committing my support and this brochure outlines why including the College in your will is so worthwhile.
Jesus College owes a great debt of gratitude to its legators throughout history who, through their generosity, have helped the College to grow a stable and secure endowment. Legacies are no less important today and in recent years have enabled us to endow Fellowships and studentships across many subjects and disciplines, to support current student activities, to restore the ancient Jesus Chair of Celtic, and protect the College’s fabric. Legacy gifts of all sizes have made a difference to what we can achieve in College – they are truly transformative. Legacies are also a deeply personal way to make a philanthropic contribution and the College does not take for granted that it is often a family decision.
Over the years, Jesus College has come to mean a great deal to my family (as well as to me) and their support of my legacy to College is an important affirmation of this. Thank you to all who have or are considering leaving a legacy gift to Jesus College.”
– Professor Sir Nigel Shadbolt FRS FREng FBCS
Principal of Jesus College
Thank you for choosing to leave a legacy to Jesus College.
Legacies have always played an important role at Jesus and have protected College since its first legacy was received over 300 years ago. Today, we are just as grateful to our 1571 Society members who remain equally committed to shaping and protecting Jesus College for the future. On average, around a third of Jesus’s philanthropic income in any given year is from bequests, and these gifts have a significant and lasting impact on College.
The 1571 Society was officially formed as a dedicated Legacy membership group in 2018. It is formed mostly of Jesus alumni and represents a wide range of decades. The Society is open to anyone considering leaving a provision to College in their Will. We celebrate this group with an annual summer luncheon held at Jesus each June. ❖
Legacy Giving Highlights
The importance of Planned Giving
Planned Gifts to College have the potential to transform lives, support academic pursuits, and strengthen our College for the future. Some examples of how legacies have made an impact at College in recent years are:
A legacy from the estate of René Victor Wood (1942, PPE) in 2023 provided vital support to College's estate, with a portion of the residual funds allocated to the Helen Morag Fellowships Fund which was established in 2014 in memory of Mr Wood’s late wife. The Fund provides endowed support to Fellows in Physics and Mathematics.
The Elton Davies Fund was created in 2014 from a bequest and supports undergraduates engaged in archaeological studies, reflecting the vision of its founders, William and Audrey Marian Elton Davies. It offers provision for bursaries, scholarships, and exhibitions.
Throughout our history, legacies have addressed diverse academic needs at College. The Edwards Fund, created through Ethel Frances Edwards' bequest received in 2005, awards bursaries to undergraduates in any field and also provides resources for the Celtic Library at Jesus.
The Zeitlyn Fellowships, endowed in 1999 by a bequest from the estate of Myrtle Henriette Zeitlyn is designed to support scholars in Law, French, and Medicine.
In 1975, College established the Guy Newton Benefaction which supports research in biomedical sciences and is still active today.
These are some examples from College bequests reflecting the lasting impact and wonderfully varied interests our legators have had. ❖
Legacy Giving Highlights
Gifts in Memory
We are honoured to pay tribute to past members of our College community or honour close family members of our alumni and friends. Some recent examples of gifts made to Jesus College in memory:
The Roger Hugh Bursary Fund was established in 2014 and supports undergraduates in need of financial assistance. With thanks to Roger’s widow, Maria Hugh, for this generous bursary endowment in his name.
The Geoffrey Young Fund, created by the late alumnus Dr Peter Dean, honours Dr Geoffrey Young, a Fellow and Tutor in Chemistry from 1947–1982. This fund is designed to support graduate students in Chemistry, thereby extending Dr Young's impact in the field.
The Marion Morgan Prize Fund, established in memory of Mrs Marion Morgan by her widower Mr David Morgan, awards prizes for outstanding work in English. This recognition not only celebrates her legacy but also motivates current students to excel in their studies.
The Philip Jones Fund, created in memory of Sir Philip Jones, provides awards to assist junior members of College in meeting expenses related to sports. This fund not only commemorates Sir Philip's contributions but also fosters a spirit of athleticism and teamwork within our student community today.
These gifts demonstrate how contributions made in honour of individuals can benefit current and future students. ❖
Legacy Guide
If you have been thinking about longer term arrangements and are considering how you may want to make a difference to College in the future, such as leaving a legacy, you can help us by letting us know your current plans. To find out more, please visit our Legacy Giving Guide webpage.
The 1571 Society
We are grateful to the many alumni listed below who are members of the 1571 Society and have chosen to leave a gift to College in their wills. If you are interested in becoming a 1571 Society member or learning more, please contact the Development Team.
Mr Christopher K Allen Δ✾
Mr Selwyn E Alleyne CBE and Mrs Ellie L Alleyne MBE ●✾
Mr David A Bartlett ▲✾
Dr David Thomas Bartlett Δ✾
Ms Victoria J Belcher Δ✾
Mr William M L Bell and Dr Sheila Bell ▲✾
Dr Sarah Bendall Δ✾
Mr Robin P Binks ✾
Mr Timothy J Birse ●✾
The Hon Dr Neal Blewett AC FRHistS ✾
Professor Richard J B Bosworth ✾
Mr Stephen G Bown ▲✾
Mr Gerald A Brinsdon ▲✾
Dr Marc J E J Brouard ✾
Tom Brown ◇✾
Mr Geoffrey Bryant Δ✾
Dr Ian M Buckley-Golder Δ✾
Mr J James Burke ✾
Mr Philip J Carey ◇✾
Sir John Carter FIA ●✾
Mr R Kenneth Carty Δ✾
Mr David Y Choi ✾
Mr Richard L Coates ▲✾
Dr T Nigel Commins ✾
Dr Keith Cotterill and Mrs Helen M Cotterill ▲✾
Dr Dickinson Cowan FRCS FRCOG ✾
Dr Pauline E M Curtis ✾
Mr Tony Davies and Mrs Helga Lockwood-Davies† ✾
Dr I Owain G Davies ▲✾
Mrs Katie J Duff ✾
Professor Howell G M Edwards CChem FRSC ✾
Dr Simon S Elliott and Mrs Claire E Elliott (1988) ✾
Mr Ronald Farrants and Mrs Vera Farrants ▲✾
Mrs Sarah J Faull Δ✾
Dr Peter J Foss ✾
Mr Ian R Fraser ▲✾
Mr Jeremy N Friend-Smith and Mrs Sheila E Friend-Smith MBE Δ✾
The Revd Canon Jeffrey Gainer ✾
Mr Alex K Galloway CVO Δ✾
Mr Stephen J Goodenough Δ✾
Professor Simon A J Gregson ✾
Mr Leonard J Griffiths ✾
Mr Patrick Griffiths Δ✾
Mr Graham M Hadley ✾
Mr Nicholas J Haisman-Smith ✾
Ms Lynette Halewood Δ✾
Mr R Douglas Hansen-Luke ▲✾
Mr Michael G Hardy ▲✾
Mr Martin J Harris ✾
Mr Peter Harris ✾
Dr Colin Haydon FSA, FRHistS, Hon. FHA ▲✾
Ms Susan D Haylock ✾
Ms Sarah E Hendry CBE Δ✾
Mr Ray Hiscox and Mrs Lyndy Hiscox ✾
Mr Adam C P Hogg ✾
Mr Nicol A Holladay ✾
Mrs Maria C Hugh ✾ in memory of Mr W Roger Hugh† ◆
Mr Antony E Ives ✾
Mr John Jagger ▲✾
Mr David H Jenkins DL ▲✾
Professor Peter M Johnson and Mrs Sarah Johnson ✾
Mr Morgan Jones ✾
Mr Graham O Jones Δ✾
Mr Stephen L Jones ●✾
Miss Janet C Jones ▲✾
Mr David J F Jones ▲✾
Ms Heather Jones Δ✾
Mr Richard M Jowitt ✾
Professor Terence J Kemp DSc, FRSChem, O.M.(Poland) Δ✾
Mr Tony Lee ✾
Mr David Lermon Δ✾
Sir David Lewis Kt MA, Hon DCL (City), Hon DCL (Wales) ◆✾
Mr Ian M Lewis ✾
Dr David Lloyd Owen CEnv CGeog Δ✾
Mr Alan C Lovell DL and Mrs Virginia Lovell DL ▲✾
Mr Ian A Mackay ▲✾
Dr Roger B Mallion ✾
Ms Catherine Maryon ✾ in memory of Prof Alan S Harrison† ◇
Ms Anna McCrum ✾
Mr Malcolm McIvor FIA and Ms Andrea Geser ●✾
Mr Stephen N Mobbs ▲✾
Mr Philip L Morgan Δ✾
Mr David C Morris ●✾
Mr Christopher J Muttukumaru CB LLD ▲✾
Mr John G Needham ✾
Mr Richard E Oberman and Mrs Alison H Oberman ▲✾
Mrs Sheila Pargeter ✾
Mr William A Parker ◇✾
Ms Belinda Perriman ✾
Mr Jan S Pethick and Mrs Belinda Pethick ◇✾
Dr David R Pick ▲✾
Dr Edmund P Plummer ▲✾
Dr Derek Portman ▲✾
Mr Geoffrey C Pugh ✾
Dr Henry Reece ✾
Dr Michael J Ricks Δ✾
Mr D Michael A Rigby ✾
Mr I Patrick Salisbury ✾
Mr Peter J M Sinclair Δ✾
Mr John A C Slatford ▲✾
Mrs Carole Souter CBE ▲✾
Mr Martin A Speller Δ✾
Mr Francis Stephens ✾
Mr Ian E F Stewart ✾
Ms Francine E Stock Δ✾
Mr Nigel W Surry ✾
Mr Ian J Sutherland ✾
Ms Gill C Taylor ✾
Mr Seth O Thomas ✾
Mr Jonathan M Tinkler Δ✾
Mr Graham N Titcombe Δ✾
Mr Ram Todd ✾
Professor Leah Tomkins Δ✾
Mr Christian R Torkington ✾
Mr Dennis E Tucker ✾
Mr Alex Turco Δ✾
Dr Rhodri Walters CB ▲✾
Mr Graham N C Ward CBE MA FCA ▲✾
Mr Terrence A Watson Δ✾
Dr Anthony D Weaver Δ✾
Mr David Whittaker ✾
Mr Jack Wigglesworth Δ✾
Mr Huw R C Williams Δ✾
Professor Robin J Wilson Δ✾
Mr Stuart N Woodward and Mrs Sue C Woodward ◇✾
Mr Robert W Yates ◇✾
The symbols beside each donor's name reflect their respective patron level:
◆ Queen Elizabeth Fellows
◇ Principal’s Circle of Benefactors
● Jenkins Patrons
▲ Meyricke Patrons
Δ Mansell Patrons
✾ The 1571 Society members
For further details on Jesus College Patron Scheme, please click here.